A move to better displays
It’s been a whirl of activity here at Exhibition Stands…we have just moved into bigger and brighter premises! We outgrew our last premises and we were across three separate units which made life a bit difficult at times running between them (but on the plus side, we didn’t need to visit the gym!).
Now we are in one big unit with everything under one roof. It’s more productive and definitely very exciting! We are still based in Hampshire, the new premises are only a mile away from our old units. We now have a larger print facility and workshops, huge stock and storage area so we always stock hardware for a fast turnaround. More space for our large scale printers and cutters will mean our production team will be able to get more orders out of the door – happy customers means a happy business! To celebrate our move we put some of our best sellers on sale for a limited period, browse our range of exhibition displays to see the various price reductions. Why not come and visit us to see what we’ve been doing, we are very proud of our new set up and I think you will see why.